I've learned several skills during my professional life on the work force, below are some of the ones I have used the most, I also have inhereted some valuable personal ones from my beloved parents passed to me, like: reliability, responsability and high work ethic that have help me in keeping my jobs for long periods of time because of that.


I'm also passionate about enviroment, sustainability and preservation and the possibility of diminishing the negative impact on our planet. So how do we apply this concepts into the modern world of consumerism? One step is by eliminating the over-use of material consumption and use instead the tools provided by the virtual world.


A business website can accomplish all the requirements to deliver an online presence to the products, services and sales as well as customer care and information to potential customers and established clients.

S U G G E S T E D   R E A D I N G

I've selested a few books from the many ones out there that I consider essential to become a more resourceful designer
Design For The Real World by Victor Papanek *(this book is available free by kind permission of the author)
• The Elements Of User Experience by Jesse James Garret
• Laws Of UX by Jon Yablonki
• Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS by Ben Frain
• Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert C. Martin
• Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming by Marijn Haverbeke