
I've been designing and developing websites for the last 20 years, first on my own company JellyRoll Media and later as a freelancer. For me web designing essentially involves working on every attribute that people interact with so is simple and efficient and allows users to quickly find the information needed and also looks visually pleasing. All these factors, when combined, decide how well a website have been designed.

 About Me

I've learned several skills during my professional life on the work force, below are some of the ones I have used the most, I also have inhereted some valuable personal ones from my beloved parents passed to me, like: reliability, responsability and high work ethic that have help me in keeping my jobs for long periods of time because of that.

 Latest Projects

A view and revision of the latest projects some of them in deleopment face, following the evaluation criteria I use for each project:
1. Project Initiation
2. Project Planning
3. Launch and Execution
4. Performance and Control
5. Project Final and Project Closed


Designing has always been my passion in life, from placing a book on a coffee table or hanging a picture on the wall, it have to have an order, color harmony, form and atributes to complament the space in question. This attributes have also been reflected on my work history, on the next page a chronological description of my jobs from the las twenty some years.
